Grounding Yourself And Living Intentionally

All too often we find ourselves as parents saying things like “But they were just a baby! Where has the time gone?” It’s a conundrum we face every day. We have the 9-5 grind, or if you are a stay-at-home parent, we have housework, work-at-home jobs, etc. There is so much to do during the day, that we find ourselves running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

But we can take steps to make time slow down. Well, nobody can really slow time down, however, there are things we can do to live more intentionally. Take a look at the world around you. Learn to look at things in a different light. This is one of my goals, is to live more intentionally, to be more present. To ground ourselves is a skill that is so important because it can even help with anxiety at the moment that it hits.

How To Ground Yourself and Live More Intentionally! Click To Tweet

The little things in life are just so important. In fact, they are the most important moments in our lives. Take for example our children when they are playing. While it’s great to take the time out to get other things done, we should take some time out to just watch them. Enjoy them, take in all of the sights and sounds around you. It’s a wonderful thing. It’s just like the old adage, “Take time to stop and smell roses.”


Up early in the morning? Something that I personally love to do, and some of you may find this strange, but when I make myself a cup of coffee, I love to add the creamer and watch as it swirls ’round and ’round in my cup, making different designs as it settles in my cup. It’s just a small thing that grounds me in the morning and gets me ready for the day. The way the spoon hits the side of my coffee cup, it can be anything. The sunrise outside, or during this time of year, the slow hum of the world waking up, listening to the cars drive by down the road.

Even something as mundane as washing dishes can provide some solace. Think about it. Your hands, feel them in the warm and soapy water, look at the suds, feel the dishes in your hands. Making dinner, smell the delicious aromas, take it all in, enjoy it. Look outside when you get a chance, take a peek at the trees, even though they don’t have leaves on them just yet, it doesn’t mean they aren’t still beautiful. See? It can really be anything that you can find around you.

That is what we really have to do, is learn to ground ourselves, and to live more in the moment. What grounds you? Is it listening to music, taking a walk, meditating? Find what brings you into the present moment and do that. You’ll find that time seems to slow down a little bit. Even though it really doesn’t, because nobody has that power, it can feel like life slows down for you a smidgen.

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  1. I’m trying to be more mindful and spend more time reflecting on my day, thinking about what went wrong and what could go better the following day. I also try to think about my friends and family, trying to stay connected with everyone even from afar.

  2. It’s so important to be present in each moment and to enjoy the little things, I think that is what leads to contentment. mich x

  3. It is so important to live and enjoy every little things in life today. I tried to spend more time with my family, calling my parents and siblings once a day to make sure that they are okay. Most especially, I spend more time to reflect for every blessings that I have from God, to be thankful for Him and to praise Him for every moment of my life by doing good things with my loved ones and to other people.

  4. I wake up about 2 hours ahead of everyone else in our house. That’s around 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning. (Yes, I am an early bird). I take my time sipping my coffee and then I go out in the yard and “visit” my ornamental plants. It makes me happy to see them sprouting new leaves and flower buds.

  5. I don’t actually know what grounds me, but like you I wake up pretty early and once my fiance has gone off to work I like to just stand in the quiet for a few mins before doing anything else x

  6. It’s really important to take time to live in the moment and be more mindful of the present. I use my coffee time for that as well, but more to step back from my work and just breathe. I also love doing morning meditations. It helps me set the right intentions for my day!

  7. I agree, even just the early moments of the morning when I’m making my coffee in silence feels like a retreat. Every part of that routine seems enjoyable from the swirling of the coffee to the sounds of the drip. As I get older, these moments are the best. Watching the kids play reveals a lot about you and them.

  8. Thanks for the reminder! Sometimes we can move through life too fast. We definitely should slow down at times and enjoy the little things.

  9. I’m a huge advocate for mindfulness and grounding. It really helps me stay present and appreciate the small things, especially over the past year in lockdown. There’s something so blissful about just breathing in some fresh air and feeling the sun on my face!

  10. We have been working on that as a family, being more present, especially during meal times and times where the family is together

  11. One thing you find as you grow older is that you change and do become more mindful of you and what your needs are. I am lucky to be able to have found that balance whether that changes once we start going back to normal life I will have to start making changes.

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